James Lee Massey Funeral Information

The funeral will be held on Saturday, June 22, at 11 am at the Chapel in Bispebjerg Cemetary.

The funeral will be held on Saturday, June 22 , at 11 am at the Chapel in Bispebjerg Cemetary. The address is

Søndre Kapel, Frederiksborgvej 125

2400 Copenhagen, Denmark


There will be a gathering at a cafe near by afterwards. You can find the chapel by using Google maps ( maps.google.com ) and by copying the following coordinates into the box:  55.712794,12.524133


The chapel is located where the green arrow is pointing. The gathering after the ceremony is at Cafe Bjerget. You can find the cafe by copying the following into the Google maps box:

Cafe Bjerget V/Henrik Nyklit, Bispebjerg Torv 8, 2400 Copenhagen, Denmark


Condolences may be sent to:

Lis Kofoed Massey

Vester Søgade 14, 5. th

1601 København V


The family suggests memorial contributions be made to the Danish Cancer Society, Kræftens Bekæmpelse. Their web page  http://www.cancer.dk/  has information in English. Donations can be made via the page  https://www.cancer.dk/stoet+os/giv+en+mindegave/  which is only in Danish. If you do not read Danish, we suggest to use Google translate http://translate.google.com/ to help understand the text. In particular, please note that the amount entered in the box labeled "Jeg vil bidrage med DKK" should be in Danish crowns and should not include a period or comma. For example, write 500.00 as 500. Alternatively, donations may be made directly to the bank account.

Danske Bank

Holmens Kanal Afdeling

1090 København K


Iban: DK16 3000 00 000 1155

Please  note ”Mrk James Lee Massey” on your payment.