Banner full width block

Basic image block


Summary text for Basic Image Block.  

Content cards block

Card Title 1 - Limited to 100 characters.
Card Text 1 - Limited to 200 characters.
Card Title 2
Card text 2.
Cart title 3
Cart text 3.
Card title 4
Card text 4

Content teaser block

Body for Content teaser block.  Use this block to when you have a list of PDF files, such as Newsletter for JSAIT CFPs

Recent journal issues block

Journal of Websites

This takes a lot of work to enter, I'm just looking for how the appearance depends no the style setting.


Slideshow Block


Card title 1

Card text. Content limited to 350 characters.

Banner 1

Card title 2

Card text 2.

Card title 1
Card title 2

Title Description Block

Body of the Title Description Block.  It contains only a Title and Body field.

Title description link

Body of Title description link. It seems that this block works well in a narrow column.

Two card stack

Two card stack, Body.


Body for WYSIWG.  Very similar to Title Description block, but this one has an image as well. If the source image is large, it will be scaled across the whole block.   

Alon Orlitsky