Website Overview

Quick overview of features of the IT Society website and how the community can make use of it.


The IT Society website allows members of the community to contribute content---such as their personal profile and contact information, news items, events, dissertations, and other files---directly into the website itself.  All contributions can be reviewed before being published on the site.

IEEE Fellows

Recently bestowed IEEE Fellows who are members of the Information Theory Society

Since 1963, IEEE has acknowledged those individuals who have contributed to the advancement of engineering science and technology. The grade of Fellow is bestowed on the recipient who has had an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest.


This page lists software whose publishers or authors maintain online information regarding the software. You are invited to submit URLs of software that you believe is of interest to Information Theory Researchers. A listing in this section is not to be construed as an official recommendation of the IEEE Information Theory Society.