
Alex Alvarado is Associate Professor in the Signal Processing Systems group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research focuses on developing a fundamental theoretical understanding of current and future telecommunication systems and lies on the frontier of communication theory, information theory, signal processing, and optical communications.

Alvarado is a senior member of the IEEE and was an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications (Optical Coded Modulation and Information Theory) from 2016-2018. Since 2018, he serves in the OFC subcommittee Digital and Electronic Subsystems (S4). He is also member of the TU/e Young Academy of Engineering.

Alvarado has co-authored more than 100 papers in leading peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and a book about communication theory aspects of coded modulation (Wiley & Sons 2015). His current research is funded in part by an NWO VIDI grant and an ERC Starting grant.

Research interests
Coding theory
Coding techniques
Detection and estimation
Shannon theory