Call for nominations - 2013 IT and Joint ComSoc/IT awards
The IEEE Information Theory Society invites you to nominate candidates for the IEEE IT Paper Award and the IEEE Joint Comsoc/IT Paper Award.
Jan 23, 2013

IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award
The Information Theory Society Paper Award is given annually for an outstanding publication in the fields of interest to the Society appearing anywhere during the preceding two calendar years. Any publication appearing during the years 2011-2012 is eligible for the 2013 award. The purpose of the Award is to recognize exceptional publications in the field and to stimulate interest in and encourage contributions to fields of interest of the Society. 
NOMINATION PROCEDURE : By March 15, 2013 , please email citation information for the paper that you wish to nominate, along with a supporting statement explaining its contributions, to the chair of the Awards Committee, First Vice President Abbas El Gamal .
Fore more information, please visit

IEEE Joint Communications Society/Information Theory Society Paper Award

The IEEE Joint Communications Society/Information Theory Society Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers that lie at the intersection of communications and information theory. Any paper appearing in a ComSoc or IT Society publication during the years 2010–2012 is eligible for the 2013 award. A Committee with members from both societies will make the selection. 

NOMINATION PROCEDURE : By  March 15 , 2013 , please email the name of the paper you wish to nominate, along with a supporting statement explaining its contributions to both communications and information theory, to the chair of the Awards Committee, First Vice-President  Abbas El Gamal

For more information, please visit