6 PhD positions at Chalmers in mathematics for deep learning
PhD vacancies at Chalmers in mathematics for deep learning
Apr 23, 2018

WASP, the Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program is Sweden’s largest ever individual research program, a major national initiative for strategically motivated basic research, education and faculty recruitment. The program addresses research on artificial intelligence and autonomous systems acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to their environment through sensors, information and knowledge, and forming intelligent systems of systems.

WASP is now launching a program to develop the mathematical side of artificial intelligence . The program will be conducted in close cooperation with leading Swedish universities (Chalmers/University of Gotheburg, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Linköping University, Lund University, Stockholm University, Umeå University, and Uppsala University) with an aim to promote competence of Sweden as a nation within the area of AI.

As part of the program Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) now calls for applications for six PhD positions in mathematics for artificial intelligence . Four of the positions will be at the Department of Mathematical Sciences,

- Learning with noisy labels , Johan Jonasson and Rebecka Jörnsten,

- Deep learning and statistical model choice , Petter Mostad,

- Deepest learning using stochastic partial differential equations , Annika Lang,  

- Quantum deep learning and renormalization: A group-theoretic approach to hierarchical feature representations , Daniel Persson,

one position,  Understanding deep learning: from theory to algorithms , will be at the Department of Electrical Engineering led by Giuseppe Durisi and Fredrik Kahl, and one position at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, led by Devdatt Dubhashi.

The PhD students are expected to start during Fall 2018 (the starting date is flexible). They will be associated to a national research school, with a joint course package, yearly winter-meetings and the possibility to interact with leading researchers in the field.

Deadline for applications: May 13

Text : from WASP's website and the call for application