Finalists for IEEE Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award
The finalists for the 2013 IEEE Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award have been selected.
Jun 26, 2013

The finalists for the 2013 IEEE Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award are the following papers.

  • C. Uduwerelle, T.H. Chan, S-W. Ho, "The Kraft inequality for EPS systems"
  • C. Bunte, A. Lapidoth, A. Samorodnitsky, "The Zero-Undetected-Error Capacity of the Low-Noise Cyclic Triangle Channel"
  • M. I. Yousefi, F. R. Kschischang, "Integrable Communication Channels and the Nonlinear Fourier Transform"
  • D. Sutter, J. M. Renes, F. Dupuis, R. Renner, "Efficient Quantum Channel Coding Scheme Requiring No Preshared Entanglement"
  • M. H. Yassaee, M. R. Aref, A. A. Gohari, "A Technique for Deriving One-Shot Achievability Results in Network Information Theory"