ISIT 2012 Call for Papers
Submission deadline is Feb 03, 2012
Jan 2, 2012

2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
July 1-6, 2012
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Submission of papers deadline: Feb. 03, 2012 
Notification of acceptance: Apr. 18, 2012

ISIT 2012 will take place on the MIT campus from July 1 to July 6, 2012. Cam­bridge and Boston offer outstanding cultural and recreational activities, as well as many choices for children’s activities and camps. July 4th will feature a family afternoon event. The symposium will have on-campus housing for a pleasant and affordable option.

Papers are solicited in the following areas:

* Channel coding
* Coding theory and practice
* Communication theory
* Complexity and computation theory
* Cryptography and security
* Compression and source coding
* Detection and estimation
* Emerging applications of information theory
* Information theory and statistics
* Network coding
* Network communication theory
* Multi-terminal information theory
* Pattern recognition and learning
* Quantum information theory
* Sequences
* Shannon theory
* Signal processing

Submitted papers should be of sufficient depth for review by experts in the field. Final papers will be limited to 5 pages in standard IEEE conference format. The paper submission deadline is February 03, 2012, at midnight, Eastern Time (New York, USA). Notification of acceptance by April 18, 2012. Detailed information on paper submission, technical program, tutorials, travel, social programs, and travel grants will be announced on the ISIT 2012 website –