Redundancy 2019 in MIEM HSE, Moscow, Russia - Deadline 21 July
XVI International Symposium "Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems" is the conference that covers a wide area of aspects of information and communication systems.
Jun 21, 2019


2019 XVI International Symposium "Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems" (REDUNDANCY)

21–25 October 2019, in MIEM HSE, 34 Tallinskaya street,  Moscow, Russia

Please visit


Important dates:

Regular paper submission deadline: 21 July 2019

Notification of acceptance: 21 August 2019

Camera ready paper submission: 1 October 2019



XVI International Symposium "Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems" organized by MIEM HSE with Skoltech is the conference that covers a wide area of aspects of information and communication systems. The main goal of the Symposium foundation is the reinforcement of cooperation between the representatives of various scientific schools, a possibility for the participants to get the awareness of the latest scientific and technical achievements and sharing their experience with colleagues. We seek original, completed and unpublished technical papers not currently under review by any other journal, magazine or conference up to 6 pages. Please use the Standard IEEE conference templates for LaTeX formats, which can be found at IEEE web site. Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all submissions must be done through edas


The covered topics include but not limited to information and coding theory, telecommunication protocols, internet of things systems, machine learning, biosequence analysis, information security and blockchain. The conference was supported by IEEE Information Theory Society. All accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore.


Registration fee

250 USD non-IEEE participants

200 USD IEEE participants

150 USD non-IEEE student participants

100 USD IEEE student participants


The registration fee will include conference materials, coffee-breaks, welcome reception, and Moscow guided tour.


We shall help with visa process. Note that for non-Moscow participants the limited number of special priced room at Hampton Moscow Strogino Hotel will be booked  



We are looking forward to welcoming you in Moscow!

The organization committee