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Aaron D. Wyner Distinguished Service Award
The Aaron D. Wyner Distinguished Service Award honors an individual who has shown outstanding leadership in, and provided long-standing, exceptional service to, the Information Theory community.
Claude E. Shannon Award
The Claude E. Shannon Award is the highest honor from the IEEE Information Theory Society. The award has been instituted to honor consistent and profound contributions to the field of information theory.
Communications Society & Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award
The Communications Society & Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers that lie at the intersection of communications and information theory.
Goldsmith Lecturer
The Goldsmith Lecturer Program was established with a generous gift of Dr. Andrea Goldsmith in 2019. The Goldsmith Lecture will be delivered by an early-career woman researcher at one of the ITSoc’s Schools of Information Theory, held for the benefit of students and postdoctoral researchers.
Information Theory Society Paper Award
The Information Theory Society Paper Award is given annually for an outstanding publication in the fields of interest to the Society appearing anywhere during the preceding four calendar years.
Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award
The IEEE Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award is given to up to 3 outstanding papers for which a student is the principal author and presenter.
James L. Massey Research & Teaching Award for Young Scholars
The James L. Massey Research & Teaching Award for Young Scholars recognizes outstanding achievement in research and teaching by young scholars in the Information Theory community.
Joy Thomas Tutorial Paper Award
The IEEE Joy Thomas Tutorial Paper Award is given to a paper of tutorial or survey nature that has appeared in an IEEE Information Theory Society publication.
Padovani Lecturer
The Padovani Lecturer Program was established with a generous gift of Dr. Roberto Padovani in 2009. The Padovani Lecture will be delivered by an outstanding member of the Information Theory community at one of the ITSoc’s Schools of Information Theory, held for the benefit of students and postdoctoral researchers.
Thomas M. Cover Dissertation Award
The IEEE Information Theory Society Thomas M. Cover Dissertation Award is awarded annually to the author of an outstanding doctoral dissertation contributing to the mathematical foundations of any of the information sciences within the purview of the Society.


Conferences, Workshops & Meetings
IEEE Globecom 2024 Workshop on Channel Coding beyond 5G: Call for Papers

Workshop on Channel Coding beyond 5G (in conjunction with IEEE Globecom 2024) is now open for submissions. The submission deadline is 12 August 2024.

BOG Meeting - Hybrid Meeting @ ISIT 2024, Athens, Greece

This will be a hybrid meeting in person room and on zoom in conjunction with ISIT 2024.

WiOpt 2024 Workshop on Modeling and Optimization for Semantic Communications (MOSC) - October 21-24, 2024, South Korea

We are pleased to invite original papers to the Workshop on Modeling and Optimization for Semantic Communications (MOSC) held in conjunction with the WiOpt 2024, South Korea.


Jul 07, 2024
Athenaeum InterContinental Athens, Leof. Andrea Siggrou 89-93, Athina 117 45, Greece
BOG Meeting - Hybrid Meeting @ ISIT 2024, Athens, Greece

This will be a hybrid meeting in person room and on zoom in conjunction with ISIT 2024.

Jul 07, 2024
Athens, Greece, co-located with ISIT 2023.
ISIT Workshop: NeurIT: Information theory in neuroscience and neuroengineering CFP

Neuroscience + Neuroengineering + IT = new theory and revolutionary applications.

Jul 07, 2024
Athens, Greece
ISIT 2024 Workshop on Information-Theoretic Methods for Trustworthy Machine Learning

The ISIT 2024 Workshop on Information-Theoretic Methods for Trustworthy Machine Learning is…

Job list

Postdoctoral Position at Arizona State University on Privacy and Fairness
The privacy research group of Prof. Lalitha Sankar at Arizona State University is looking for a postdoctoral fellow to work on the topics of privacy and fairness.
Mar 28, 2019
Assistant Professor in Information Theory, Machine Learning, or Their Intersection
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology invites applications for an Assistant Professor in the area of information theory, machine learning, or their intersection.
Mar 13, 2019
Prof. Namrata Vaswani is looking for new Ph.D. students / postdoc
Prof. Namrata Vaswani of Iowa State University is looking for Ph.D. students, and or a postdoc, to work on interesting Statistical Machine Learning problems motivated by real applications (often in computer vision or imaging). If interested, please email her at namrata AT iastate DOT edu (along with your recent transcripts and CV/resume).
Mar 6, 2019
Postdoctoral Position in Information Theory, Coding Theory, and Machine Learning
Telecom ParisTech and CentraleSupelec have a joint postdoctoral position at the interface between information theory, coding theory and machine learning under Professors Aslan Tchamkerten and Sheng Yang. This position is intended for a curious and daring young researcher with a strong mathematical background. The appointment will be for one year with the possibility of renewal. Applicants should have (or be close to obtaining) a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or related areas. Applications must be emailed to [email protected] and should include CV, statement of research, and contact information for three references.
Mar 5, 2019
Postdoctoral position in Coleman lab at UCSD and Grover lab at CMU in theory and data analysis: modeling, monitoring, and modulating the enteric nervous system
Novel information theoretic fundamental limits and techniques in a highly interdisciplinary and challenging project.
Jan 6, 2019
Post-Doctoral Position at USC
There is a postdoctoral position available at Prof. Avestimehr's research group at University of Southern California (USC). The position will be on exciting applications of information theory and coding to large-scale machine learning and distributed computing systems.
Dec 29, 2018
Open PhD-student positions in Advanced Communications and Distributed Computing at EURECOM
EURECOM is an English-Speaking School in the French Riviera
Dec 24, 2018
Post-Doctoral Vacancies at ITCSC, CUHK, Hong Kong
Post-doctoral vacancies at the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science and Communications in The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Nov 28, 2018
Faculty Positions at RPI
Multiple Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty Positions at Rensselaer
Nov 19, 2018
Faculty Positions at UMN in Comm/Data Science
The UMN ECE department has two faculty positions open related to Communications and Data Science.
Nov 6, 2018
Faculty positions in IT at UT Austin
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin has multiple faculty openings with a start date of Fall 2019, including Assistant Professor and more senior positions. We are interested in applicants who are performing innovative research in information theory, broadly defined to include core topics as well as emerging intersections between information theory and other fields.
Nov 6, 2018
Faculty position in Quantitative Methods at Purdue
The Krannert School of Management invites applicants for two tenure-track faculty positions at the assistant professor level in the Quantitative Methods area to begin in the fall semester of 2019.
Nov 6, 2018
ECE Faculty Positions at University of Michigan
THE ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (ECE) Division of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor invites applications for junior or senior faculty positions, especially from women and under- represented minorities.
Oct 11, 2018
ML/AI/Data Science Faculty Position at UW Madison
The College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks faculty candidates for up to three tenure-track faculty positions in the areas of basic research in Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Data Science (DS).
Oct 11, 2018
Rutgers needs a new DIMACS Director
The DIMACS Center based at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ is seeking a Director. This is a five-year renewable appointment as Director as well as a tenured full professor position in an appropriate Rutgers department.
Oct 4, 2018
Position in Industrial and Systems Engineering at Rutgers
The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Rutgers University-New Brunswick invites applications for faculty positions, at all ranks, with a start date of fall 2019.
Sep 16, 2018
PhD positions (2) in information theory
There is vacancy for two PhD positions in information theory at the Department of Informatics. The positions are for a fixed-term period of 4 years with 25% compulsory other work (e.g. teaching duties). The workplace is the research center Simula UiB AS. Simula UiB is a research center owned by Simula Research Laboratory and the University of Bergen. The goal of Simula UiB is to increase the security expertise in Norway through research and education. The positions are within the Information Theory Section of Simula UiB. The successful candidates will use advanced information-theoretic and coding-theoretic tools to design new security and privacy schemes and derive fundamental performance bounds for such schemes applied to future distributed information systems. Distributed information systems include, but are not limited to distributing storage systems and distributed computing systems.
Sep 5, 2018

Jobs Board

Postdoctoral Researcher position at the Technical University of Munich
Technical University of Munich

The TUM chair of communications engineering has an opening for a post-doc position at the…

Jun 12, 2024
Postdoc position in machine learning over wireless networks
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg Sweden

Join Prof. Durisi's team at Chalmers (Gothenburg, Sweden) as a postdoc, to work on an exciting…

May 29, 2024


Recipients of the 2024 IEEE Communication Society and Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award: Justin Singh Kang and Wei Yu

The Joint Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers that lie at the intersection of communications…

Jun 12, 2024
2024 James L. Massey Research & Teaching Award for Young Scholars awarded to Flavio du Pin Calmon

The James L. Massey Research & Teaching Award for Young Scholars recognizes outstanding…

May 22, 2024
2024 Thomas M. Cover Dissertation Award awarded to Sophie H. Yu

The Thomas M. Cover Dissertation Award award is granted annually to the author of an outstanding…

May 21, 2024
Call for nominations for the next Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (JSAIT)

The JSAIT Steering Committee requests nominations for the next EiC with deadline June 15, 2024.

May 21, 2024


"How Claude Shannon Invented the Future" in Quanta Magazine
David Tse writes about not only Claude Shannon's impact on communications, but also on how his work illustrates the importance of top-rate science. Read David's article in Quanta Magazine.
Dec 24, 2020
Call for 2021 Information Theory Society Award Nominations
We look forward to receiving nominations from all members for the following Information Theory Society awards. Please note the deadlines to nominate.
Dec 22, 2020
Good News! IEEE Student Membership Dues Are Now 50% Off
Attention Students! IEEE now offers a discounted dues option for all student and graduate student members. Simply enter promotion code FUTURE50 when you join or renew to receive 50% off your student membership!
Dec 22, 2020
CFP: JSAIT Special Issue on Coded Computing (Feb 15 deadline)
The intersection of information theory and computing has been a fertile ground for novel, relevant intellectual problems. Recently, coding-theoretic techniques have been designed to improve performance metrics in distributed computing systems. This has generated a significant amount of research that has produced novel fundamental limits, code designs, and practical implementations. The set of ideas leveraged by this new line of research is collectively referred to as coded computing. This special issue will focus on coded computing, including aspects such as tradeoffs between reliability, latency, privacy, and security. Specific topics of interest include:
Dec 10, 2020
Bridge to the Faculty Postdoc Position at ECE, University of Illinois Chicago
The Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) will be recruiting a Bridge to the Faculty (B2F) Scholar with start date on August 16, 2021.
Dec 9, 2020
JSAIT Sixth Call for papers: Special Issue on Coded Computing
JSAIT Sixth Call for papers: Special Issue on Coded Computing. Papers due Feb. 15, 2021.
Nov 27, 2020
Now Running: European School of Information Theory
The 2020 IEEE European School of Information Theory (based in Stuttgart, Germany) is currently running as a virtual event. It is still accepting registrations and registration is free for members of the Information Theory Society.
Nov 26, 2020
Call for Nominations for Executive Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
The IEEE Information Theory Society (ITSoc) invites nominations for the position of Executive Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory for an 18-month term, starting on July 1, 2021. It is expected that the Executive Editor (EE) will subsequently transition to Editor-in-Chief (EiC) on January 1, 2023, for an additional 18-month term, ending on June 30, 2024.
Nov 18, 2020
Submit to Information-Theoretic Cryptography
Submit papers to the conference on Information-Theoretical Cryptography (ITC). Deadline Feb 1, 2021.
Nov 1, 2020
Call for Nominations for the 2021 Padovani, Goldsmith and Distinguished Lecturers
The submission deadline is (extended to) November 15, 2020.
Oct 21, 2020
Registration for ISITA 2020 Is Now Open
Register now for the International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (ISITA2020), held as a virtual symposium October 24–27. Plenary talks are held live by Zoom. Presentation videos are on-demand, and Gather is used for online chat and discussions.
Oct 20, 2020
IEEE SPS 2020 PROGRESS (PROmotinG DiveRsity in Signal ProcESSing) Workshop
The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) is launching PROGRESS - an initiative aiming to motivate and support women and under-represented minorities to pursue academic careers in signal processing.
Oct 8, 2020
Joy Thomas Has Passed Away
Joy Thomas, co-author of the seminal textbook "Elements of Information Theory" passed away on September 28, 2020 at the age of 57. Joy's career has included stints at IBM T J Watson Research Center and Google, and co-founding of two successful Silicon Valley companies.
Oct 6, 2020
Extension of Deadline for JSAIT Special Issue
The deadline for submission of papers for JSAIT's fifth issue (on Sequential, Active, and Reinforcement Learning) has been extended to Oct 15, 2020.
Sep 28, 2020
ITW 2020 - Deadline Extended to Oct. 20
In response to a number of requests, the submission deadline for ITW 2020 has been extended to Oct. 20, 2020. Notifications are postponed to Dec. 20. Virtual participation to the conference will be guaranteed for safety reasons related to the COVID pandemic.
Sep 25, 2020
Call for Papers: Entropy Special Issue on Information-Theoretic Aspects of Non-Orthogonal and Massive Access for Future Wireless Networks
The open-access journal Entropy is arranging a special issue on “Information-Theoretic Aspects of Non-Orthogonal and Massive Access for Future Wireless Networks.” The submission deadline is April 1, 2021. For more information on the scope and publication process, please see
Sep 23, 2020
IT Society Is Now on LinkedIn
The IEEE Information Theory Society now has a LinkedIn page. Follow our page to get the latest news and events from the IT Society in your LinkedIn feed.
Sep 8, 2020
ITW 2020: Upcoming Paper Submission Deadline
The 2020 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) will be held in Riva del Garda from 11–15, April 2021. Plenary speakers include Andrea Montanari, Andreas Krause, Emina Soljanin, Gabor Lugosi, Giuseppe Caire and Nina Balcan. Paper submission is currently open and the submission deadline is September 30. Virtual participation to the conference will be guaranteed for safety reasons related to the COVID pandemic.
Sep 7, 2020
Postdoctoral Research Fellow ‐ Science of Information
The Center for Science of Information (CSoI) invites applications for its CSoI Postdoctoral Research Fellows program to work with Wojtek Szpankowski, CSoI Director. CSoI seeks a postdoctoral researcher to work on broad intersections of information theory, machine learning, combinatorics, and design and analysis of algorithms.
Aug 14, 2020

Past meeting

BOG Meeting - Hybrid Meeting @ ISIT 2024, Athens, Greece
This will be a hybrid meeting in person room and on zoom in conjunction with ISIT 2024.
BOG Meeting - Hybrid Meeting @ ITA 2024, San Diego, California
This will be a hybrid meeting on zoom. BoG members and approved presenters will receive an invite to the meeting.
BOG Meeting -Hybrid; Atlanta, GA 2023
This will be a hybrid meeting on zoom. BoG members and approved presenters will receive an invite to the meeting.
BOG Meeting - Hybrid Meeting @ ISIT 2023, Taipei, Taiwan
This will be a hybrid meeting in person room and on zoom in conjunction with ISIT 2023.
BOG Meeting - Hybrid Meeting @ ITA 2023, San Diego, California
This will be a hybrid meeting in person and on zoom in conjunction with ITA 2023.
BOG Meeting - October 2022
This will be a virtual meeting on zoom. BoG members and approved presenters will receive an invite to the meeting.
BOG Meeting - Hybrid Meeting @ ISIT 2022, Espoo, Finland
This will be a hybrid meeting in person and on zoom in conjunction with ISIT 2022.
BOG Meeting - March 2022
This will be a virtual meeting on zoom. BoG members and approved presenters will receive an invite to the meeting.
BOG Meeting - November 2021
This will be a virtual meeting on zoom. BoG members and approved presenters will receive an invite to the meeting.
BOG Meeting - June 2021
The second BOG meeting of 2021 will be held virtually on zoom. BOG members and approved presenters will receive an invite to the meeting.
BOG Meeting - March 2021
This will be a virtual meeting on zoom. BoG members and approved presenters will have received an invite to the meeting.
BOG Meeting @ New Brunswick, NJ - 2019
The third BoG Meeting of 2019 will take place at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
BoG Meeting @ Chicago, IL 2015
Meeting will be held right after Allerton
BoG Meeting @ ISIT 2015, Hong Kong
Annual Meeting of the Information Theory Society
BoG Meeting - GlobalMeet
The BoG Meeting will be held via GlobalMeet on Saturday, September 20 (7:00 AM Pacific Time).
BoG Meeting @ ITA 2014, San Diego, CA
First BoG meeting of 2014
BoG Meeting @ ITA 2013, San Diego, CA
First BoG meeting of 2013
BoG meeting @ ITW 2012, Lausanne
Last BoG meeting of 2012.
IT BoG meeting @ ITA 2012, UCSD
Meeting of the Board of Governors
BoG Meeting @ ITW 2011, Paraty, Brazil
The third BoG meeting of 2011 will take place on ***Monday*** October 17, in Paraty Brazil, in conjunction with ITW 2011, starting at about 6:00pm with a buffet dinner at the restaurant Banana de Terra (one block away from the conference center).
BoG Meeting @ ISIT 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia
The annual BoG meeting will take place on Sunday July 31, at the ISIT 2011 conference hotel, starting at 12:00 noon **sharp** with a buffet lunch. The meeting room is "Green 6+7" and will be clearly indicated at the registration desk, operational from Sunday July 31, morning. Please follow the signs and/or ask the registration desk in order to get to the lunch and meeting.
BoG Meeting, ISIT 2010
Annual meeting of the IEEE Information Theory Society Board of Governors. All are welcome to attend. Some portions of the meeting will be conducted in camera. The formal part of the meeting will commence at 12:45pm.
BoG Meeting, La Jolla, CA, 2010
First Board of Governors' meeting of 2010.
BoG Meeting, ITW Taormina 2009
The final BoG meeting of 2009. Dinner will be served at 6:30 and the meeting will start shortly thereafter. Everyone is welcome to attend. Meeting will be held in the Saletta Belvedere room of the Villa Diodoro (workshop hotel).
BoG Meeting, ISIT 2009
Annual meeting of the Information Theory Society BOGs. Everyone is welcome to attend all or part of the meeting. The meeting will be preceeded by lunch at 12:15, with the formal meeting starting at 1pm, ending at 5:30pm.

Research In Information Theory

Selected papers on information theory from our journals and conferences

Upcoming Events

The Information Theory Society's upcoming conferences, workshops and schools

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